Saturday, November 14, 2009

Know more about Pregnancy

women always have the desire to get pregnant and it their most beautiful aspect oflife. But hardly any women knows more about prenancy and sometimes they are over burden with real concept of preganancy. Lots of women in america is not known with the actual process of the grossesse along with its side effects. Women and girls should have the knowledge that it is such a process through which offspring is delivery happens and it occurs due tothe combination of both fetus and embryo in the female body. Lots of reports throw the messages that if prenant women is carrying twins in the womb then she is going to have more gestations. Women and wards must have some informations about the new medical terms used for pregnancy so that no one can mislead them . Now a days lots of clinic cheating the couples and the wards due to lack of knowledge. For this one can see programmes running on televisions and reading newspaper or could share their problems withthe near and dear ones.

There are many other forms of pregnancy such as obstetrics like surgical work required in case of risks pregnancy. In the same way midwifery meaning not requiring surgical treatment as supports pregnant women. Women should know that pregnancy foundation happens in the women after 38 weeks just after her last menstrual period. Lots of organizations like taking care of women health specificallyand informing them about the dos and donts of it. So one should know that the best timing is of 37 weeks and 42 weeks for having the child. In ancient time gravid was the word used for pregnancy but today it is not popular in medical field. In the same way gravida is the word used for pregnant women that time but now generally not in use. During pregnancy women should know what to eat and how to take care of oneself for having a healthy baby. One should know that once the arrival of pregnancy not only the women , wards of the family too needs mental preparation of welcoming the new born in their homes. So the women should be prepared mentally and physically for this and is well prepared for holding thepregnancy process as it is concerned to its life and death. So in this way another word of pregnancy known as embryo is related to development of offspring above the timings of 8 weeks after going through conception. And the other word of pregnancy is fetus which is related to the showing of the two months old baby in the women's womb.

Now a days huge amount of work is related to creating awareness in illetrate women residing in remote areas and villages. Poor people espcially the women should know that what precaution and diet during pregnancy one should have? Actually pregnancy takes place in women when the female gamete combines with male gamete called as spermatozoon. Especially the women should have the knowledge that the fusion of male and female gametes occurs due to sexual intercourse . Mostly illeterate folks of indian society start thinking some divine happening harassing the women alot and in lots of cases personally and socially more.


Know more about l-carnitine

mostly l-carnitine is the production of amino acids lysine and methionine known as quaternary ammonium compound. In human body i-carnitine shows the usage of transportation of fatty acids from the cytosol of mitochondria during lipid processing breakage for the production of metabolic energy. Basically users of i-carnitine shows it as nutrional supplement for the body. The i-carnitine is present in two forms such as stereoisomers . The active form of i-carnitine isknown as L-carnitine where as inactive form is called as d-carnitine. In several animals the i-carnitine works as biosynthesized to amino acids in organs such as liver and kidney in the body. The synthesis of carnitine vitamin C is very important in the body . Many reports reveals that carnitine increases its production during growth and pregnancy than the average production .

Many organisms like fungi i-carnitine showing the usage of carbohydrates. Also the i-carnitine affects human genetic disorder like carnitine deficiency, carnitine palmitoyltransferase I deficiency, carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency, which are those steps acting in the processes. One should know that as per age the emergence of I-carnitine goes down in the human body which destroy the cells. It also affects the fatty acid metabolism in various tissues of the body. The main sufferer is bone as level of i-carnitine reduces as bones requird continuous recontruction and metabolic functions for balancing bone mass in the body. Sometimes usages of l-carnitine helps in increasing serum osteocalcin level in many animals.

Consumers of i-carnitine must go to medical guidance before using it. The i-carnitine supports many antioxidant action showing safer effects against lipid peroxidation in the human body. The i-carnitine aids in improving glucose disposal in several patients having type II diabetes. In this way glucose storage increases in both groups . In this way glucose oxidation increases in diabetic group due to the effect of i-carnitine. Mostly users have the feeling that i-carnitine can be consumed as weight loss supplement . Now at present studies denies such facts . Many clinical test shows that continous intake of i-carnitine increasing energy metabolism showing impoved neurotransmitter functioning of the brain in people. So users should dealt with i-carnitine cautiously after consulting with the doctor before habituating it.
